Archive for June, 2015

Manufacturing @ Home: A rechargeable near-field mic, (almost) from scratch

Some time ago I backed the W-Ear kit on Kickstarter.  Even though they also offer the option of a fully assembled, rechargeable version, I opted for the through-hole kit, which went for much less and also shipped much earlier.  I was originally planning to just 3D print an enclosure, instead of using an Altoids tin.  However, on a whim, I decided to take this a bit further, because… why not?

TL;DR: I went from the PCB on the left, to the device on the right, without ever leaving home. Design files are available here (caveat: I’m not an EE, but I sometimes play one on the web! :).

PCB from W-Ear Kickstarter kit Device in use

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